Episode 148: From Material Sciences to Talent Recruitment: How the Pandemic Changed Everything (ft. Lawrence Ganti & Evan Sohn)

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Jeremy Goldman is the author of Going Social and Getting to Like, a former Inc. columnist, and the founder of digital consultancy Firebrand Group. In addition to FUTUREPROOF. he serves as the Director of Marketing & Commerce Briefings at Insider Intelligence.

COVID has changed the world to such an extent over the past year and a half, and of course it’s not something that anyone would ever wish on society, but there have been some interesting developments – a lot of them positive. One of those innovations comes from SiO2, a little-known material science company from Alabama that received a $143 million investment from the US government to tackle the vaccine vial shortage. To date, they have provided the government with vials for over 100 million covid vaccine doses. I spoke to the company’s president, Lawrence Ganti [at the 1:01 mark], about why the future of drugs will be biological — and the long-term positive effects that COVID could bring to pharma and life sciences. 

My conversation with Lawrence got me thinking about the new kinds of jobs that might have been created on account of the pandemic, which then had me thinking about how companies are finding the talent they need in a post-COVID world. To help clue us in on that front, I turned to Evan Sohn [at the 11:11 mark]. He’s the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Recruiter.com, an on-demand recruiting platform that combines AI and video job-matching technology with the world’s largest network of small and independent recruiters. We talked about how the pandemic changed how companies recruit, what the post-COVID world of work looks for job candidates, and much more.

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